Friday, September 28, 2007

Pokemon Pizzazz

Who knew selling Pokemon cards could be so lucrative?! Mom to six, Dawn Meeghan, posted a standard pack of Pokemon cards on eBay along with a humorous novella about how she came to be in possession of them. (Hint: The kids snuck them into the cart when she wasn’t looking.) Her self-effacing rant about grocery shopping with kids resonated with Moms and Dads webwide.

Her modest eBay auction for a pack of $8 Pokemon cards became a viral marketers dream. She received 179,000 page views in one week’s time, thousands of comments, encouragement to write a book, a platform to promote her blog ( and $178.50. Not bad for a simple eBay auction.

Was this just lightning in a bottle or yet another example of storytelling in product descriptions? I hope Dawn capitalizes on her new found web fame. What can we learn from her success? Are there ways for you to interject some humor into your website or marketing materials?

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