Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Book Marks

First in a six-part series about books, ebooks and your business

I am a book junkie. I have written a few and read a few thousand. I still remember the first book I ever “read”—Richard Scarry’s "Nicky Goes to the Doctor". The first book I wrote was in second grade and was called "The Bear and The Fly"—complete with illustrations. (I still have it.)

My new favorite book is "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen. (Note: my favorites change weekly but this one will probably stay in my top ten for awhile.) And several years ago, I hated one particular book so passionately that I threw it out my 14th floor hotel window in Atlanta!

Books are an integral part of my life and not just because I am a writer. I even like ebooks—-sometimes. I still remember the first ebook I ever downloaded and read—Seth Godin’s "Unleashing the Idea Virus". It was the first time I had heard of ebooks and I was anxious to read his thoughts. And so I bought the ebook, (I forget the actual cost) I downloaded it and I printed it out! (I probably still have it.)

I buy ebooks by the fistful now, I have edited several and I have written a few. But I can count on one hand how many were worth the paper they weren’t printed on.

One advantage traditional publishing has on ebooks is the check and balance system. Publishers still occasionally print garbage but in general, many hands went into making that printed book a solid piece of work. The same can not be said of ebooks. Anyone who can make a PDF can make an ebook.

For the next six sessions, we are going to discuss HOW to write an ebook, WHY to write an ebook, WHERE to sell your ebook and WHY an ebook might NOT be a great idea.

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